A Words
Our Eagles
Our Patrols
Resources & Links
We are working on a new look and feel for our website.
Please take a look at it at: wp2.troop308omaha.com,
and let us know what you think of it at: Webmaster email

Troop 308 would like to announce our latest Eagle Scout Brandon L. on February 4, 2014.

***This Week's Events/Notes***

Attention: the March 1stcamp out at Mahoney State Park had been cancelled due to bitter cold weather!

Link to Nick Brown's interview on KETV 7 "Eagle Scout soars, despite Disability".

Monday, March 3rd, at 7:00 P.M. is our Court of Honor in the St. Andrew's Sanctuary. Please bring at least one non-perishable item to support the OA food drive.

March 7th - 8th is the lock-in with the new Scouts.

March 1st from 6 P.M. - 8 P.M. is the Soaring Eagle District Recognition Dinner at LDS Church

Updated: 2/27/14 - Ray H.

Please welcome Carter W. and Chad B. to Troop 308!

Strategic Air and Space Museum Trip 2014

Camp Cedars 2013
Troop getting ready for morning flag.

Troop 308 has upgraded to using Troopmaster Web to allow parents to track their sons progress in the troop. Any parents/guardians that want this access will need to send an email to Troopmaster Web Support email. Please provide your sons name in the subject line when requesting access.

  • Send emails to Webmaster email to report broken links, news that should be posted, pages that need corrections or questions.
  • Send emails to Email support for help with Troop 308 email distribution lists.
  • Send emails to Contact Troop 308 for general questions to our scoutmaster and committee chair.
  • Send emails to Health Forms if you have questions or completed Heath Forms for the Troop.
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Copyright © 2004- BSA Troop 308. All rights reserved.